/SPRING 2016
The first "Run for the Marsh" was held in October this year. The Run was organised by the community cottage and was a great success, despite the mud!
The photos below give an indication of how lush the growth is in a good spring. What is becoming clearer as time passes is how much the soil profile is improving. While the large areas are cut for silage and removed from the property this loss of nutrients does not seem to be a problem. In fact the removal of stock has given the soil and all the bacteria, worms, plant roots etc the opportunity to find a new balance uninterrupted by crushing/pugging hooves or sudden dumps of .... animal waste.
A good wet winter and very few tree losses. The mounds that the trees are planted into as well as a better knowledge about the best time of year for planting different types of species is definitely making a difference.
The Henge has survived a couple of winters so far without the rock walls collapsing as predicted by many. Fingers crossed that this remains the case.
A kinder, lets hot more rain, summer meant that the trees have made good progress this year.